Archaeologist may have discovered new pyramids using Google Earth

14 Aug 2012

The second site shows two large mounds alongside two smaller mounds, with a 600-foot triangular butte in the foreground. Image via the Archaeology News Network

Using images captured by Google Earth, satellite archaeology researcher Angela Micol has discovered two sites in Egypt that may be home to eight undiscovered pyramids.

Micol, from North Carolina in the US, has been searching for ancient sites in satellite images for more than 10 years. Google Earth has helped her to find a number of potentially historical sites, but many have been kept under wraps until the relevant officials can be contacted and the sites can be protected.

Nabil Selim, an Egyptologist and pyramid expert, has verified that the sites she has found in Egypt are undiscovered.  

In the images from the first site, a distinct pyramidal shape with a truncated top is clearly visible, and Micol estimates that this structure is about 140 feet wide. Three smaller mounds are located close by, in a diagonal formation similar to that of the pyramids of Giza.

Site 1 - Google Earth pyramid discovery Site 1 - Google Earth pyramid discovery

Left: The first site shows a large mound and three smaller mounds in a distinct formation. Right: A close-up of the large mound. Image via Google Earth Anomalies

The second site shows four mounds, this time with larger triangular-shaped plateaus. It has been estimated that the two larger mounds are about 254 and 330 feet wide at their bases, while the two smaller mounds are about 100 feet wide. This probable pyramid site appears in formation with a 600-foot triangular butte nearby.

Site 2 - Google Earth pyramid discovery

Estimated size of the mounds at their bases on the second site. Image via the Archaeology News Network

Field research is required to view the mounds on the ground and determine their origin. Only then can it be verified whether or not Micol has discovered some of Egypt’s lost pyramids.

Elaine Burke is the host of For Tech’s Sake, a co-production from Silicon Republic and The HeadStuff Podcast Network. She was previously the editor of Silicon Republic.