An updated Energy Efficiency Action Plan for Ireland is needed, Energy Minister Pat Carey said.
“Ireland’s first action plan succeeded in focusing national energy policy on measures which can deliver a sustainable energy future. The actions outlined in the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) have the potential to create jobs, to cut emissions, to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and to save money for energy consumers,” Carey said.
By the end of June 2011, Ireland is required to submit a second NEEAP, in accordance with the provisions of the Energy Services Directive. The objective of the consultation is to find the views of industry and other important stakeholders on the country’s progress to date and on measures that may be considered in the context of completing the second action plan.
“Our second National Energy Efficiency Action Plan needs to be even more ambitious to meet economic and energy saving challenges in the years ahead,” Carey added.
“In particular, the public sector will have a leadership role in reducing energy demand across our economy. I encourage all interested stakeholders to have their say in helping us meet our challenging targets.”
Ireland’s first NEEAP was published in May 2009. It sets out 90 actions that have already taken place and others that will take between now and 2020. The goal is to achieve 20pc energy efficiency savings across the public, business, residential, transport and energy supply sectors. The savings identified in the first action plan represent an estimated €1.6bn in annual energy cost reductions for the economy in 2020 and will reduce CO2 emissions by about 5.7m tonnes each year.