James Whelton, co-founder of the CoderDojo movement
The Irish-conceived CoderDojo movement has launched yet another overseas coding club to teach kids how to write software, this time in Silicon Valley at Microsoft’s offices in Mountain View, California.
The launch of the latest CoderDojo in Silicon Valley took place last night, spreading the movement that helps kids learn computer programming for free. Mentors from the Silicon Valley region will now be sharing their coding skills at the dojos.
CoderDojo itself is a one-year-old initiative that started in Cork just over a year ago when teenage programmer and entrepreneur James Whelton teamed up with angel investor Bill Liao to launch the first club. Since then, clubs have started up all over Ireland and overseas, with more than 100 clubs now active each Saturday.
At last night’s launch of the Silicon Valley CoderDojo, Whelton connected live to the session to welcome the new group.
Such coding clubs are aimed at students from the ages of eight to 18.
The first annual CoderDojo conference will also be taking place in Limerick on 13 October.