Earth Day is being celebrated today and eco-minded celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio and Ed Norton have joined millions around the world to commit a sustainable act for the Billion Acts of Green Campaign.
Since it was launched last year, more than 100m ‘Acts of Green’ have been committed by people all over the globe.
DiCaprio has pledged US$1m to World Wildlife Fund (WWF) for urgent tiger conservation. He has also teamed up with WWF to launch SaveTigersNow.org.
Meanwhile, Norton ran the New York City Marathon with a team of Maasai warriors to support the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust, raising more than US$1m through his fundraising site Crowdrise.com in the process.
Singer Jewel has also volunteered to perform at a benefit concert for the Clearwater Project to raise funds to provide education to people in developing countries about their right to have access to clean water.
Actor and model Ian Somerhalder has created the IS Foundation to educate and collaborate with people and projects to positively impact the planet.
The US race car driver Leilani Münter has pledged to “continue to adopt an acre of rainforest for every race I run, which I have been doing since 2007″. She is also going to represent green companies on her race car to spread environmental awareness.
Rio 2012
Earth Day Network’s goal is to reach 1bn Acts of Green before the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio in 2012. People can also register their act of green through the Facebook app, which has been created in collaboration with Facebook.
The first Earth Day was held on 22 April 1970. More than 1bn people now participate in Earth Day activities each year.