Pusheen image by munchkinsaysmeow, via DeviantArt.
Gigglebit is Siliconrepublic’s daily dose of the funny and fantastic in science and tech, to help start your day on a lighter note.
Like any sector, technology has a serious side, and it is often issues within this serious side that make headlines or that organisations need to explore for their business. Malware! Data breaches! Cloud storage! Do I really need this software? Which candidate has the best IT skills for this job? And what the heck is fog computing?
With Gigglebit, we turn the spotlight on humorous and/or amazing content about science and tech, because sometimes the lighter side should be taken seriously, too.
If you didn’t know, lab technicians take their job very seriously indeed.
With all those harmful chemicals around and thousands of euro worth of equipment, the smallest accident could turn into a catastrophe.
That is why one lab technician looked to the incredibly adorable Facebook cat Pusheen to teach those using the lab how exactly Pusheen is breaking every rule in the book.