Ann O'Dea, CEO and editor-at-large of Silicon Republic, speaking at the Innovation Ireland 2014 in the Guinness Storehouse, Dublin. (Photo by Conor McCabe Photography)
If you missed the Innovation Ireland Forum 2014, catch up right here with video highlights of keynotes and panel discussions.
The annual Innovation Ireland Forum hosted by Silicon Republic brings together the leading lights in the R&D ecosystem, along with key stakeholders in Government, academia, engineering, technology and investment sectors, in an effort to help shape the direction of thinking and policy in Ireland.
As well as showcasing innovation on a local level, the forum also welcomed those from the international community to join the conversation and share their experiences.
The key talking points of the event included the internet of things, collaboration for innovation, next-wave analytics, and the future of health, energy and smart cities. For an illustrated summary of these discussions courtesy of Think Visual, check out this infographic.
Alternatively, we have each keynote speech in full and highlights from each panel discussion below – and they are well worth a watch.
A journey from research to venture – keynote speech by Nora Khaldi
Nora Khaldi’s bioinformatics start-up Nuritas is creating the future of food using advanced computer algorithms. In her keynote speech, the CSO and co-founder describes the challenge of being a start-up with an idea so fresh, it can be hard to gain acceptance.
Innovation Ireland Forum: keynote by Dr Nora Khaldi, founder and CSO, Nuritas – Part 1 of 2
Innovation Ireland Forum: keynote by Dr Nora Khaldi, founder and CSO, Nuritas – Part 2 of 2
Building an ‘Innovation Ireland’ – panel discussion with Nora Khaldi, Prof Alan Smeaton, Prof Brian MacCraith and Prof Linda Doyle
Khaldi was joined for the first panel discussion by Prof Alan Smeaton from the Irish Research Council, Dublin City University president Prof Brian MacCraith and CTVR telecommunications research centre director Prof Linda Doyle. During this discussion chaired by Silicon Republic CEO and editor-at-large Ann O’Dea, they discussed what’s needed for Ireland to excel in research and STEM education.
Innovation Ireland Forum, first panel discussion, part 1 of 3
Innovation Ireland Forum, first panel discussion, part 2 of 3
Innovation Ireland Forum, first panel discussion, part 3 of 3
Bell Labs to kick-start IP mash-ups in Ireland – keynote speech by Mark Castleman
In his keynote address, Mark Castleman, entrepreneur-in-residence at Bell Labs, announced the launch of Impact @ Bell Labs, a series of IP mash-ups set to take place between universities and start-ups, starting first in Ireland.
Organisational and open innovation – panel discussion with Mark Castleman, Ben Hurley and Regina Sullivan
The second panel discussion of the day invited NDRC CEO Ben Hurley and Fidelity Investments EVP Regina Sullivan to join Castleman in discussing how corporate entities can create an innovation culture in the workplace, and also how Ireland can cultivate a prolific start-up community.
Innovation Ireland Forum, second panel discussion, part 1 of 2
Innovation Ireland Forum, second panel discussion, part 2 of 2
The internet of things uncovered – keynote speech by Philip Moynagh
As vice-president of Intel’s internet of things group, no one is better-positioned than Philip Moynagh to explain this growing phenomenon which is expected to be the next revolution in computing.
Innovation Ireland Forum: keynote by Philip Moynagh, VP, internet of things, Intel – Part 1 of 2
Innovation Ireland Forum: keynote by Philip Moynagh, VP, internet of things, Intel – Part 2 of 2
The internet of things: Ireland’s opportunity – panel discussion with Philip Moynagh, Prof Willie Donnelly, Prof Gregory O’Hare and Paul Hickey
Following Moynagh’s revelation of the endless possibilities that the internet of things will bring, he was joined by Prof Willie Donnelly, director and chair of TSSG at the Waterford Institute of Technology; Paul Hickey, manager of systems and sustainability at ESB Networks; and Prof Gregory O’Hare, director of UCD Earth Institute, to discuss how Ireland can leverage this opportunity. Conversation also journeyed into the privacy and security issues poised by the internet of things.