Samsung Mobile head JK Shin says the social media revolution should be for everyone.
In a crowded hall not far from the GSM Association Mobile World Congress 2010, all four corners of the room light up in a video presentation and momentarily around 200 journalists and Samsung personnel are submerged beneath the ocean:
That ocean, it becomes apparent as the head of Samsung Mobile JK Shin takes the stage, is social media and it is apparent that it is his intention that the forthcoming Wave phone could be one of many devices that will form the social hub of our lives going forward.
Smart phones for all
But it doesn’t stop there. He believes the social-media revolution is not just about smart phones and price plans for the haves, but for everybody, regardless of social status, wealth or geographic location.
“It is about the democratisation of the world. We want to make mobiles available for everyone on the four corners of the Earth.”
Unveiling the new Wave smart phone, Shin pointed to the new technology features it will boast: “Our Super AMOLED touchscreen is more alive than any display on the market. Because of this device, mobile software can only achieve its full potential for consumers combined with a touchscreen of this calibre and our leadership in computing power.
“The 1Ghz processor makes our smart phone the smartest on the market, enabling multitasking and a full expression of software excellence. Fulfilling our true potential, Samsung is committed to remaining the world’s best in class device leader.”
Bada powers Wave smart phone
The power behind the strong software on the Wave, the first of several of a new generation of devices, is bada or ‘ocean’ in Korean, a software platform that will form the basis of the forthcoming Samsung Apps Store.
As well as superior crispness and brightness on the 3.3-inch super AMOLED display, the phone includes touch sensors within the display and a slimmer, seamless unibody exterior.
The advanced TouchWiz 3.0 user interface he said, allows up to 10 homescreens to allow users to choose and display the widgets they need, whether it’s a weather clock, stock prices or personal schedule. The device also enables multi-tasking, a feature until now not available on many devices.
“The Social Hub allows users to integrate their contacts and their social-media activities to create the ultimate inbox with a push calendar. This allows you to keep all your social media in one place.
“It is clear that a social revolution is underway,” Shin said, urging a new future where affordable smart phones will feature in a myriad of new ways: bringing the next 1 billion people onto the internet, helping the world’s unbanked to hold bank accounts and make electronic payments for the first time.
By John Kennedy
Photo: The social-media revolution is about smart phones and price plans for everybody, regardless of social status, wealth or geographic location, says JK Shin, the head of Samsung Mobile