From left: Bernard Jackman, Susan Brady, Kieran Callaghan, John Hyland and Padraig Faulkner. Image: ClubSpot
ClubSpot has introduced a digital ticketing feature that will be used by Cavan GAA when club games resume in August.
Irish sports club management app ClubSpot has introduced a new digital ticketing system in conjunction with Cavan GAA, with the aim of minimising the amount of contact and cash handling needed at the club gates when matches resume in August.
Cavan-based ClubSpot, which was recently featured as a Siliconrepublic.com Start-up of the Week, was founded earlier this year by John Hyland and investor Bernard Jackman.
The start-up aims to help sports clubs reduce their admin workload while increasing their revenues, with an app for member registration, upcoming events and news, details of fixtures and results, and group messaging.
Encouraging physical distancing
With the new digital ticketing function, ClubSpot is aiming help to reduce the handling of physical money and encourage social distancing, allowing spectators to have a contactless entry option to sporting events as they re-enter club grounds for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic began.
The system will enable spectators to purchase their tickets through the Cavan GAA app to gain access to club games around the country.
To gain entry, users present their e-ticket at a club gate where a steward will scan the ticket using a smartphone to allow access. The solution was developed in partnership with Tixserve, a digital ticketing provider that counts Twickenham stadium among its customers.
Jackman commented: “With any new technology or start-up, it’s important to continue adding new features that make life easier for our clients and the introduction of our digital ticketing solution is another brilliant addition to the ClubSpot offering. We hope that this agreement with Cavan GAA is the first of many similar agreements in the near future.”
Hyland added that he is “delighted” to help Cavan GAA provide a “simple and safe solution” for the return of fans for the upcoming club championships.