Digital hub technology company Lincor Solutions formed by ex-Apple executives is to install a touchscreen platform at St Mary’s Healthcare System in New York that will provide medical professionals with vital data and at the same time provide TV, internet and video-on-demand services to patients.
Lincor’s MEDIvista touchscreen platform will enable nurses and clinicians to automate certain routine tasks at the patient’s bedside and get direct access to the electronic patient files, thereby reducing paperwork and improving efficiency, patient care and clinical outcomes.
St Mary’s is the seventh installation for Lincor in the US
For patients, the system provides access at the bedside to both educational content and multimedia entertainment services, such as TV, high-speed Internet, video messaging and movies on demand.
Bedside infotainment revolution in medical sector
Dublin-headquartered Lincor, set up in 2003, is a provider of intelligent point-of-care bedside computing solutions for hospitals, with more than 21,000 systems installed at more than 95 hospitals around the world.
“When we were first introduced to the MEDIVista product over three years ago, we were very excited as we did not know there was a product with this type of capabilities on the market,” said Dr Eddie Simpser, executive VP and chief medical officer at St Mary’s.
“The more we saw what it could do, the more it suited our idea on what a new and very modern facility like ours could offer the kids and staff at the bedside.
“Having a computer at the bedside is essential, in my view, but the excellent software functionality of MEDIVista will reduce paperwork for staff, improve the level of care for the kids while also making for a better patient experience.”
St Mary’s is the second leading children’s hospital to install MEDIVista.
Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital in London, UK, installed its system in 2011 at all 304 beds. This is something Lincor CEO Richard Cooke is excited about.
“We are delighted that St Mary’s has chosen Lincor as their preferred solution and we feel privileged to provide a great technology for patients, visitors and staff at St Mary’s, which will improve care and allows kids and their families to stay in touch with the outside world.
“From a clinician point of view, they will be able to access and update the children’s medical records, monitor them remotely through a built-in webcam if necessary, and essentially do everything at the bedside that clinicians can do at their desk.”
Simsper added: “For the kids, it will mean they can view patient-specific educational content, watch or record their favourite TV programme, go online to their friends, hook up their Xbox to the device and even tune into any live video broadcasts that we will be putting on internally.”