Irish online rent and property management start-up Rentview has just soft launched a new service for renters so they can build up a a free online tenant profile for landlords and agents.
Rentview itself was co-founded in 2010 as a rent and property management cloud-based platform for estate and letting agencies. The site’s co-founders are Andreas Riha and Colin Napper, both previous owners of a letting agency in Dublin.
Napper said they soft launched the service this week to tie in with students looking for properties, as the new college year kicks off.
“The purpose is to allow people to build a profile, upload references and share them with landlords and agents to get rentals more quickly.”
He said the service also includes an inventory app that works on the iPhone and will shortly be working on Android devices.
“The inventory app will allow people to document the condition of a rental property once they have received the rental offer from an agency. This means they can protect their deposit.”
Napper said that via this app people can log photos and they can also speak into their phone to dictate their voice notes and create a report on what the property looked like when they moved in. “They can print that report off and get it signed by the landlord. Then, when they are moving out tenants can do a moving out report.”
He said tenants can make their overall profile private and allow agents and landlords to access it by sharing their URL and a unique password.
According to Napper, rentals in Ireland are up 47pc since 2007, meaning there is strong competition for the right property.
He said the aim is to launch the tenant profile service in other markets over the coming months.