Mobile app workshop aimed at for entrepreneurs

10 Aug 2010

A workshop designed to teach entrepreneurs how to go about creating mobile phone applications will be taking place in Wexford on 5 and 6 September.

Organised by Inventorium – an initiative from the NDRC (National Digital Research Centre) Dublin – this mobile app workshop is aimed squarely at current, potential and recovering entrepreneurs in the south east of Ireland.

It offers an opportunity to meet and get advice from skilled iPhone, iPad and Android developers, plus experienced graphic designers and potential backers, as well as providing a networking environment within which to meet and collaborate with other like-minded entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs could be from any background because there will also be key individuals from sectors including education, entertainment, environment, health and tourism.

This means that entrepreneurs attending these workshops do not necessarily have to have a technology background but potentially could be operating a small business – from running a B&B to selling children’s books or producing green products – and benefit from the concept of developing a mobile app or working with someone who could help develop one for you.

The Inventorium mobile apps workshop will be held at the Carlton Millrace Hotel in Wexford on 5 and 6 September. These workshops are free of charge but registration is compulsory as places are limited.