Give and Buy volunteers flocked to Grafton Street in Dublin for the launch of the charity fundraising website Giveandbuy.ie to let the people of Dublin know that they don't want their money. Photo by Lensmen Photographic Agency
Fancy renting a vintage car for the day, buying a brand new electric scooter at 30pc of its new price or getting your hands on a signed Leinster rugby jersey? Well, a new website launched in Ireland today will help you along nicely, while you get to support up to 20 charities during your online shopping experience.
This charity website has launched just in time for Cyber Monday. Dublin’s Grafton Street was buzzing with fresh-faced volunteers today for the launch of Giveandbuy.ie, as they spread the message to let people know they don’t want their money.
The Lord Mayor of Dublin, Andrew Montague, answered the call for support and many others pledged their items and services. Even Largo Foods got involved, donating packs of the Irish favourite Tayto crisps to passers-by.
Through the site, the public can donate their surplus goods or skills and 100pc of the money goes to charity. Giveandbuy.ie facilitates both sellers (givers) and buyers of goods and services to come together to help charities such as Shine, for people with depression, or the Fr Peter Mc Verry Trust, for young homeless people.
It is a free, innovative online marketplace that doesn’t leave people digging in their pockets, but asks for unwanted items and professional services that are of real value to others, said the volunteers today.
Think back to 1985 when Ireland’s Bob Geldof organised Live Aid to raise money for undeveloped nations. Of all of the nations in the world that made donations, Ireland turned out to be the biggest giver per capita.
Ireland has always been known as a nation of philanthropists, but this new website is putting a new online spin on the formula, especially as many people are struggling right now to make ends meet due to unemployment and lower wages, impacted by the global downturn.
Give and Buy was conceived by Aidan Corless who is the chairman of Care Aid. He assembled a team of volunteers who have built the classified advertisement software and this website and who work to promote the site.
Speaking from Dublin’s main shopping thoroughfare today, Corless, chairman of Give and Buy, said the charity’s organisers were delighted with the public’s reaction to its volunteers.
“They’re used to charities stopping them on the street and asking them for money but it was refreshing to see their reactions when we told them that we didn’t want their money. Instead we ask them to donate their surplus goods and unwanted presents. It’s the perfect place to pick up a Christmas present on a budget or a Kris Kindle gift while supporting a worthy cause.”
So what can you get on the site?
Today, visitors to Giveandbuy.ie can, for instance:
- Rent a vintage car for the day
- Buy a brand new electric scooter at 30pc of its new price
- Purchase a signed Leinster rugby jersey
Give and Buy’s charities include:
- Shine, which supports people affected by mental ill health
- Special Olympics Ireland
- Barnardos
- The Peter Mc Verry Trust, which helps the young homeless in Dublin
- The Meningitis Research Foundation.
Give and Buy also raises funds for DEBRA, a charity supported by the “Girls of Ryanair” 2012 calendar that is dedicated to helping the development of treatments and cures for EB (epidermolysis bullosa) a rare and painful genetic skin condition.
“When we started Giveandbuy.ie, it was in response to the fact that that charity revenue was down due to the recession. People can no longer afford to dig deep in their pockets for charity; however, what they do have is unneeded items, as well as a wealth of skills and services that are of real value to others. You don’t need to break the bank to make a difference. Why not pick up a great deal and raise funds for charity at the same time?” said Corless.