10 Inspirefest speakers you should follow for #inspirefest2015

3 Jun 2015

Inspirefest speaker Ariel Walman, founder, Spacehack.org. Photo via Matt Biddulph/Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

For Inspirefest 2015, we’ve gathered together some of the greats in science and technology to share their insights onstage in Dublin — but some of them are already sharing plenty on Twitter.

Of course, you can get regular updates from the Inspirefest team by following @InspirefestHQ, but here are a few more worthy follows ahead of the summer event.

1. Ariel Waldman (@arielwaldman)

Founder of Spacehack.org, adviser to NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts and member of the US National Research Council’s Human Spaceflight Committee, you can guess that Ariel Waldman has a lot of spaced-out tweets to share with her followers. But in between talking about Uranus and role-playing an entire galaxy, she also finds time to impart some #spacechic beauty tips.

2. Kara Swisher (@karaswisher)

As co-executive editor of Recode, Kara Swisher is deeply embedded in the technology news landscape, tweeting live updates to the curious masses, interspersed with gorgeous views and food from San Francisco and beyond.

3. Cindy Gallop (@cindygallop)

Self-proclaimed ‘Michael Bay of business’ Cindy Gallop knows good #sextech and is not afraid to talk about it. As founder of MakeLoveNotPorn, disrupting the online porn industry and changing the male-female ratio of the tech industry is all in a day’s tweets for this entrepreneur.

4. Brianna Wu (@Spacekatgal)

Head of development at Giant Spacekat and “Godzilla of tech feminists” according to her Twitter bio, Brianna Wu’s tweets are a source of feminist critique of video games – even looking inwardly at her own company’s output – and broader discussions on diversity and inclusion in society.

5. Adam Quinton (@adamquinton)

Founder and CEO of Lucas Point Ventures, Adam Quinton’s tweets offer a VC’s view of the tech industry – one which he recognises still has some way to go to close the gender gap. When he’s not striving to get others to join him on that quest, Quinton’s tweets are a mix of useful info and advice for entrepreneurs, investor studies and insights from events.

6. Dr Sue Black (@Dr_Black)

Dr Sue Black is a social entrepreneur, one of Inspiring Fifty’s Most Inspiring Women in European Tech, and one super-cool grandmother. She shares and tweets her thoughts on tech with the likes of The Guardian, and her apparent ability to be omnipresent sees her tweeting regularly from tech events around the UK and beyond.

7. Kimberly Bryant (@6Gems)

Black Girls Code founder and previously appointed a Champion of Change by the White House, Kimberly Bryant is driving change to the typical face of tech to one that reflects more people of colour. In between updates on the great Black Girls Code movement, you’ll find tweeted advice and thoughts on innovation.

8. Laetitia Grail (@LaetitiaGrail)

Tweeting about education en Français and in English is Laetitia Grail, CEO of myBlee, creators of an educational app for kids. For facts and stats on education around the world, Grail’s Twitter account is replete with them, as well as tweets and links on the topic of #edtech.

9. Shivvy Jervis (@shivvyjervis)

Shivvy Jervis is the creator of Digital Futures, a tech news web series you can catch on YouTube, and a speaker on the social impact of tech. Fitting, then, that her tweets blend observations on cutting-edge technology and social issues, with little slices of London life thrown in.

Updated 15 June 2015 at 12.15pm: Unfortunately, Shivvy Jervis is no longer speaking at Inspirefest 2015 – but her tweets are still worth a follow!

10. Dr Lucy Rogers (@drlucyrogers)

Anyone with “Robot Dinosaurs” in their Twitter bio is worth a follow, right? Dr Lucy Rogers’ tweets are a heady concoction of science and comedy, and you never know where her bright, inquisitive mind will take you next (right now, it’s on an outdoor adventure) – but you can bet there will be dinosaurs.

Photo of Ariel Walman by Matt Biddulph via Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Inspirefest 2015 is Silicon Republic’s international event running 18-20 June in Dublin that connects sci-tech professionals passionate about the future of STEM with fresh perspectives on leadership, innovation and diversity.

Elaine Burke is the host of For Tech’s Sake, a co-production from Silicon Republic and The HeadStuff Podcast Network. She was previously the editor of Silicon Republic.
