Winterfell, WesterosCraft. Image by Maruku via westeroscraft/Imgur
Gigglebit is Siliconrepublic’s daily dose of the funny and fantastic in science and tech, to help start your day on a lighter note.
Game of Thrones season five is due to hit HBO on 12 April, and this week the internet is aflurry with the news that the TV adaptation will eventually outstrip the George R R Martin book series, potentially spoiling the conclusion for the literary fans.
The series – both on television and in print – has legions of die-hard fans, so news such as this is predictably contentious.
But, as the fans argue online, let’s take some time to remember a time when they could work together and create something beautiful, such as this Minecraft version of Westeros – affectionately called ‘WesterosCraft’.
This fan-made GoT universe is inspired by Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series and its makers have seek to recreate this world as loyally and keenly as possible.
Building all of this has taken a mountain of effort and the creation of King’s Landing (the capital city of Westeros) alone took 200 builders 4.5 months, not to mention months of planning.
“In pursuit of this endeavor we aim to provide a friendly and encouraging atmosphere for our creative community at all times,” reads the site’s FAQ – so it should be a safe space for fans, even today.
King’s Landing, the capital of Westeros
The iconic Iron Throne
The Dragonpit
The Great Sept of Baelor
Castle Black and the beginning of the Gift
Dreadfort, seat of House Bolton
Riverrun, seat of House Tully
The Water Gate, Riverrun
The Eyrie
Deepwood Motte
The hall of Grafton Keep
All images via westeroscraft/Imgur