John Lewis Christmas ad parody goes to Dark Side of the moon

9 Nov 2015

The John Lewis ‘Man on the Moon Christmas 2015 ad warmed hearts, but the John Lewis Star Wars Christmas parody goes to the Dark Side.

The John Lewis ‘Man on the Moon’ Christmas ad came out last week and warmed hearts everywhere, but the John Lewis Star Wars Christmas parody should takes us all to the Dark Side.

Last week, the British department store chain John Lewis brought out its Christmas ad for 2015 entitled ‘Man on the Moon’ and there were no snowmen, penguins, bears or hares in sight.

Original John Lewis ad for Christmas 2015

Instead, we got a touching little tale where a little girl spots the Man on the Moon and sends him a telescope; the underlying message is to remember the elderly this Christmas.

Dark Side of the moon version

The tradition of producing parody versions of John Lewis Christmas ads kicked into gear with this brilliant Star Wars-themed affair.

Other parodies include:

Low budget version of John Lewis 2015 ad

Goldie Looking Chain version of John Lewis 2015 ad

Jose Mourinho version


John Kennedy is a journalist who served as editor of Silicon Republic for 17 years