In anticipation of the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the seventh instalment of the Star Wars franchise, those with poor memories are at a loose end.
What do you do if you can’t really remember what’s going on with Star Wars? Or, if you haven’t seen any or all of the previous, awkwardly ordered six episodes?
Well, thanks to YouTube, creativity and the open source, big data world of the internet, you need only click on and sit down for three minutes.
Movie mashups are nothing new, but that doesn’t mean they should be avoided. So, if this is your want, enjoy the story, from start (1999’s Episode I) to finish (1983’s Episode VI).
To be honest, add this to the growing line of Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailers from the past 12 months and you can pretty much watch the whole seven episodes in a few more minutes.
Darth Vader image via Stefano Buttafoco/Shutterstock