Viral videos: LGBT Pride, Fidelma’s wiffy comment, Minecraft trailer and more

3 Jul 2015

Still from ‘Minecraft The Movie! (Official Fake Trailer)’ by Nigahiga on YouTube – one of this week’s selected viral videos for your attention

This week’s rainbow selection of viral videos includes baby-holding instructions, an exploration of social media beauty standards, an Irish senator’s Wi-Fi gaffe and a jubilant Westmeath man.

You Look Disgusting

Em Ford’s video was just posted two days ago and has already accrued 1.2m views. Ford is a self-taught make-up artist with acne and, for this video, she collates more than 100,000 comments people have made about her face – with or without make-up – on social media. The tears aren’t real, Ford assures in the video description, but the hurtful comments are.

Uploaded: 1 July 2015

How to Hold a Baby

This helpful instructional video from Jordan Watson teaches the everyday art of baby-holding, with the help of an adorable assistant. It’s the only YouTube video upload from the New Zealander (I have to assume, with that accent and two rugby-ball holds), and it’s approaching 1.5m views or, as Watson puts it, “One million people now holding babies like a fish…..crazy.”

Uploaded: 26 June 2015

Fidelma Healy Eames needs the ‘wiffy’ code

Seanad Éireann member Fidelma Healy Eames doesn’t have the firmest grasp on technology lingo, as has previously been demonstrated in our viral videos countdown. The latest iffy statement from the independent senator is neatly packaged in Vine form, as she questions the provision of Wi-Fi codes in restaurants. Watch. Chuckle. Repeat.

Uploaded: 1 July 2015

Priceless Reaction to Westmeath Win over Meath

Another ‘pure Irish’ contender in this week’s viral videos collection is one man’s elation at a rival team’s degradation. Westmeath’s victory over Meath in the GAA’s Leinster Football Championship semi-finals was deemed ‘historic’, but you need only see this man’s reaction to understand the significance.

And, if you’ve ever seen such excitement before, you’ll know to expect some of these expectorations to contain a touch of good-hearted bad language.

Uploaded: 28 June 2015

Minecraft The Movie! (Official Fake Trailer)

With a title capitalising on a phenomenal games franchise set to become a blockbuster film (get it?), it’s no surprise that YouTuber Nigahiga’s latest video has clocked up more than 2.6m views in a week. But, even if it isn’t real, this fake Minecraft trailer nails the game experience and only serves to fuel the excitement for the forthcoming real deal.

If you don’t want to sit through the elongated intro justifying a grown-up’s interest in the basic block-building game (not even necessary, says I), skip straight to two minutes in for the trailer.

Uploaded: 27 June 2015

#ProudToLove – Celebrating Marriage Equality and LGBT Pride Month

For the week that was in it, many of this week’s viral videos zeroed in on the celebrations surrounding the US Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage ruling. Jimmy Kimmel asked kids to explain gay marriage, while one young girl has racked up almost 5m views for holding her ground in the face of an anti-gay preacher. But it’s YouTube’s own contribution that takes the lead with, currently, 5.3m views for a video celebrating LGBT Pride.

It’s tissues at the ready for this one as YouTube nails its rainbow colours to the mast and says it’s proud to support all kinds of love, and people whose stories have been shared on the video platform.

Uploaded: 26 June 2015


Following that, it seems suitable to close out this week’s list with Colors, a short film from The Mercadantes celebrating the colourful world we live in. Dive into the rainbow, and enjoy.

Uploaded: 29 June 2015

Elaine Burke is the host of For Tech’s Sake, a co-production from Silicon Republic and The HeadStuff Podcast Network. She was previously the editor of Silicon Republic.