Arnie and his selfie stick. Photo via YouTube
This week in viral videos, Arnold Schwarzenegger pranks LA, a recreation of Psycho with cats, and one 4-year-old’s very happy first flight.
About 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, 500 years of video watched on Facebook every day, and more than 700 YouTube videos shared on Twitter each minute, ensuring there is always video trending on the web.
With so much video available for viewing, we take a look at some of the viral videos that have caught our eye this week.
Arnold Schwarzenegger pranks fans as the Terminator
Arnold Schwarzenegger hit the streets of LA in full Terminator get-up recently, in part to help raise cash for the charity After-School All-Stars, but mostly, let’s be honest, to promote the bound-to-be-awful latest instalment of the sci-fi franchise, Terminator: Genisys.
Watch Arnie repeat some of his most iconic catchphrases to bemused pedestrians, get involved in a Schwarzenegger impression contest with a lookalike, and scowled fans for interfering with his selfie stick. Best of all, the 67-year-old (!) actor also takes to Madame Tussauds, pretending to be a statue of himself before getting the jump on the unsuspecting punters. It’s Arnie’s best gag since his performance in Batman and Robin.
Uploaded: 17 June 2015
Lea’s first aerobatic flight
A lot of fully-grown human people get a little nervous when flying. 4-year-old Lea is not one of those people. Being flown by her father Raphael Langumier – the President of Aviation RL in Quebec – Lea’s first airborne experience was no average trip either. With his daughter securely strapped in, Dad pulls off barrel roll after barrel roll, piloting the aircraft in a way that would likely make you and I viciously sick.
Still, the little girl giggles constantly as the plane loops and swoops, looking like she’s enjoying the flight more than anything you’ve ever enjoyed. “Papa, I want my head upside down again,” she says repeatedly in French.
Uploaded:17 June 2015
Having previously recreated The Lion King‘s climatic battle, this cat-loving YouTube user returned with his beloved pets this week with a new clip. Rather than replicating a feline-based moment from movie history though, this time we were treated to a cat version of the famous shower sequence from Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho.
Mercifully for the furry pair, though, the water was not running.
Uploaded: 14 June 2015
Dutch rock musician catches beer and downs it while crowdsurfing
Duuuuuude! This is how do a rock and f’ing roll! While performing at the Netherlands’ PinkPop Festival last weekend, David Achter de Molen, frontman of post-hardcore band John Coffey, walked right over the crowd, and with the audience going wild, somehow managed to catch an airborne beer thrown by a fan before proceeding to slam it from the plastic cup.
Catching the beer was impression enough, but downing it nonchalantly makes de Molen an absolute boss.
Uploaded: 13 June 2015
Spider bursts out of a banana
Here we have an arachnophobe’s worst nightmare. Noticing that his banana appeared to be moving, this fruit-eater decided to film what the hell was going on. Be warned: this footage might turn you off the bananas for life. Seriously, don’t click below if you hate spiders and/or love fruit.
Uploaded: 12 June 2015