The Web Summit has announced that it is leaving Dublin next year for the sunnier Portuguese climate, setting up shop in Lisbon for the foreseeable future.
The news captured the minds of Irish tweeters fairly quickly, with various emotions showcased through the immediacy of social media.
Social immediacy, if you will.
First came the news, blogged and then Tweeted from the powers-that-be.
Excited to announce #WebSummit is moving to Lisbon in 2016 http://t.co/njyaONRH03
— Paddy Cosgrave (@paddycosgrave) September 23, 2015
We had praise of Web Summit’s incredible success, aligned with worries of how Ireland (or Dublin) could react to such a blow.
Regarding #websummit – should we not be glad that we introduced the world to a brilliant innovation? Let's share it with other cities?
— Lesley Robinson (@LesTunes) September 23, 2015
Dublin losing #WebSummit is a massive blow to the economy and to Dublin's aspirations to remain a start-up hub in Europe.
— James Brophy (@JBrophy2705) September 23, 2015
Simply unbelievable that a lack of quality transport, accommodation and…gulp…WiFi means Dublin loses #websummit https://t.co/KogB8aHIPl
— Kevin Higgins (@higginskev) September 23, 2015
We even had criticism of Lisbon.
Very bad news for Irelands #startup culture as #websummit moves to Lisbon of all places!
— Donal Rafferty (@Mammoth_T_M) September 23, 2015
We had begrudgery abound.
wow the level of begrudgery and downright hatred directed at #websummit is amazing. Folks @paddycosgrave set up a world class company. >>
— brian lucey (@brianmlucey) September 23, 2015
Before people criticize, they should look at prices being for accommodation, food & drink, etc in Dublin. #websummit pic.twitter.com/3LQ3GU3JFW
— Reader Writers. (@ReaderWriters) September 23, 2015
Several tech communities in Dublin hold events weekly- how much attention do they get from Politicians or Govt Agencies? Zero.#websummit
— Kevin O'Brien (@dragonflystats) September 23, 2015
We had business ideas.
#WebSummit move creates an interesting opportunity for a similar conference in Dublin. People did not just come for the wifi.
— Leo Moore (@leommoore) September 23, 2015
But, on the most part, we had mockery.
Typically Irish. .the country is being overrun with new big exotic spiders…and the #websummit goes to Portugal,good new for flies i shpose
— seanbrowne (@aghadoe11) September 23, 2015
Very sad news about the Web Summit moving to Portugal, I was hoping the next one would be in the sea. #WebSummit
— Fintan O'Toolbox (@FintanOToolbox) September 23, 2015
All Dublin hotels after today's Web Summit announcement :) #websummit @LovinDublin pic.twitter.com/ikesNi7eRj
— Patrick Hayes (@phayes86) September 23, 2015
The Lisbawn #websummit even has a Barbers and a Bookshop. Shaky WiFi, but great books and (male) haircuts. No 4G. pic.twitter.com/VEJWzysd6K
— Patrick Cullivan (@paddycullivan) September 23, 2015
Whatever about the #websummit, are the rumours about the Ploughing Championships being moved to Rio true? #Ploughing2015
— Garvan Grant (@garvangrant) September 23, 2015
It gets worse: Rumours are rife that Garth Brooks has agreed to play the #websummit next year as part of his "I Thought It Was Just Me" tour
— Colm O'Regan (@colmoregan) September 23, 2015
They moved the Banjo Festival from Longford to Tullamore a few years back. It didn't survive. Tread carefully #WebSummit
— Conor Barrins (@ConorBarrins) September 23, 2015
Come back lads, we found the wiffy code. #websummit
— Mo Dalton (@stockysocks) September 23, 2015
Main image via Shutterstock