You won’t believe how good #Clickbaitamovie is!

28 May 2015

Anyone on the internet is no doubt very familiar with one of its scourges — clickbaiting. But what if every movie sold itself as a work of clickbait?

On Twitter, #Clickbaitamovie has exploded, bringing in some fantastic examples of movies with a clickbait twist, as well as some truly awful and pathetic attempts by companies to ride the hashtag gravy train.

This recent use of the hashtag was spurred on by the TV show @Midnight hosted by Chris Hardwick, who spends most of the show attempting to engage in #hashtagwars.

As for what was making the cut? Luke Skywalker’s storyline from Star Wars appears to be the most common entry, but there’s also a few obscure entries that are probably going over some people’s heads.

Here are some of the best finds from the murky depths of Twitter, but can you guess the movie?

Neon live bait sign image via Thomas Hawk/Flickr

Colm Gorey was a senior journalist with Silicon Republic