From philosophical, grandious issus to small, localised customisation concerns, there are plenty of concerns ahead of any Magna Carta for data, explains Maynooth University’s Professor Rob Kitchin.
Author of The Data Revolution, Kitchin details a plethora of aspects of online life that we need to take into consideration before anyone can put pen to paper on a set of rules and regulations.
“This boils down to more than just privacy and security,” he explains.
Issues around ownership and control, the buying and selling of data, provenance, surveillance and general acceptance of app requirements muddy the waters somewhat.
“This discussion is worthwhile, but it isn’t the panacea for the topic.”’s Data Science Week brings you special coverage of this rapidly growing field from 28 September to 2 October 2015. Don’t miss an entry worth your analysis by subscribing to our news alerts or following @siliconrepublic and the hashtag #DataScienceWeek on Twitter.
Words by Gordon Hunt