Even if the internet is normally the ultimate drain to your productivity, you can use these Chrome extensions to turn the tables.
Google Chrome remains the most popular browser by a sizeable margin. It supports a huge amount of easy-to-install extensions that can be used to improve and personalise your browsing experience. Yet have you ever considered getting extensions to boost your productivity?
It is not often that browsing the internet is associated with productivity. It is, if anything, the black hole that sucks up your time. It is normally the exact detriment to getting through your task list. Yet if you follow some of the advice provided by OnStride, you could make your browser work for you as opposed to against you.
You could use a number of different Chrome extensions to curb the distracting effect of email, for example. Snooze Email will temporarily remove an email from your inbox and return it at a specified time. This is ideal if you see something you want to attend to but aren’t quite ready for. It’ll prevent you from being knocked off your current, more pressing task while circumventing the risk that old emails will be buried in your inbox if not addressed quickly.
You can also use an extension such as Just Read to simplify web page interfaces. It’ll strip away the ads, comments, pop-ups and complicated graphics and leave just the words so that you can, well, just read.
If you’re finding your social media habit an indomitable time-suck, you may need to call in the big guns in the form of an extension such as StayFocused. StayFocused restricts how much time you’re able to spend on time-wasting websites. When you have used up your allotted daily time, the website gets blocked for the day. The plug-in has a variety of options with varying degrees of severity, all of which can be wielded in busy times to help keep you on track.
For more excellent Chrome extensions that can help you meet your productivity goals, check out the infographic below.

Infographic: OnStride
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