Increasing numbers of employees are opting to work from home. Here’s how you can telecommute without becoming too isolated from the team.
Working remotely – also known as working from home or telecommuting – has become increasingly common, thanks to the proliferation of new technology that makes it possible.
Despite initial fears that working from home would negatively impact productivity, a 2015 Gallup poll found that 58pc of Americans think those who work remotely are just as productive as those who rock up to the office.
Telecommuting has proven to be a wonderful option that gives employees greater flexibility, which can improve their mental health and help people strike a work-life balance.
With new realities in the workplace come new potential obstacles – in this case, the convenience of working from home could be offset by the risk of telecommuting members of the team becoming isolated.
Collaboration has become more essential to the workplace of the future and, although technology has made communicating way easier, it’s difficult to replicate the seamlessness of talking face to face. Being in the same space makes it easier to bounce ideas off one another, ask questions and forge relationships, and it’s critical that those working from home are not left out.
Fortunately, Headway Capital has compiled some great advice on how to stay connected while working remotely.
Using communication apps such as Slack to streamline conversation, even just to say ‘Hi’ to your co-workers and let everyone know you’re online, is a great way to signal your presence and make yourself a part of the office, even in spirit. Creating a video chat group on Skype or other video conferencing apps can also help you tune in, and can even be used to beam yourself into meetings while still working remotely.
Though it somewhat defeats the purpose of working ‘from home’, it’s also a good idea to occasionally swing by the office to say hello. If people have a face to put beside the (digital) name, it could foster better relationships and in turn help you feel less alienated.
For some more tips on being a part of the team while not in the building, check out the infographic below.

Infographic: Headway Capital