Speaking in the ‘Founders Who Are Killing It!’ session at Inspirefest 2018, Surbhi Sarna shared her start-up’s journey from idea to acquisition.

Surbhi Sarna, founder and CEO of nVision Medical, was quite fresh from the April news of Boston Scientific acquiring her company when she spoke at Inspirefest 2018 in June.

She took the opportunity to reflect on her start-up journey, which began at 13 years old when she was hospitalised for what turned out to be a complex ovarian cyst. This experience led Sarna to discover an innovation gap in women’s healthcare that she wanted to address with nVision Medical by developing a medical device to detect ovarian cancer at the early stages.

On her fundraising journey, Sarna learned valuable lessons about what not to say to investors and the press, and she generously shared this with the Inspirefest audience.


Words by Elaine Burke