Yes, the bread-and-butter languages like Python and Java will always be important, but the lesser-known coding languages are worth exploring too. Have a bit of fun experimenting.
Even most non-IT people have heard of well-known coding languages such as Python, Java, Ruby, Perl and C or C++, but what about the rare ones? There are so many programming languages out there in the ether, and they are not all created equal. It’s best to be ‘language agnostic’ as Gil Tene, a CTO who has been programming for years, recently told us.
Some languages are rare for a reason – they’re difficult to learn or more esoteric than practical. However, some rare languages have their dedicated users and for good reason.
Software developers and indie hackers often pick up programming languages purely for fun, and more often than not, what they learn benefits them professionally. Even if they have a particular love for an obscure language that nobody in the industry uses, they are honing their skills and exploring their craft.
We have compiled a list of some of the rarer languages that some argue are underappreciated by the professional dev world. You might find one or two you’d like to experiment with.
Are you just dabbling in learning programming? Well, Scratch may be for you. It’s aimed at children from age eight and upwards so it’s not too complicated to get the hang of. It is a high-level block-based visual language with no typical syntax. You can create projects directly on its website, which is free.
Unfortunately, Groovy is not from the Woodstock era. It is relatively easy to learn thanks to its simplicity and lack of difficult syntax. It is good for lots of general-purpose tasks and it is compatible with a Java environment.
If you’re into programming for problem-solving and data analytics tasks, you might be interested in playing around with Q. The language was developed by a data analytics vendor called Kx Systems. It can be a little bit unreliable, as it has problems with predictable performance.
Erlang is not super rare – it is used in sectors such as e-commerce, banking and telecoms. However, it is not a household name quite yet. It is an open-source language that was developed initially by Ericsson Computer Sciences Lab.
Nim might prove a decent alternative to the likes of C, C++ and Java, as it is also a statically typed language. It is fast, relatively easy to get the hang of (if you know Python, for example) and useful.
Once promising, Google’s Dart is no longer in the same leagues as the hugely well-known JavaScript. That doesn’t mean it’s not worth looking into. It has a few users outside of Google, particularly in customer-facing web apps.
Like Dart and others on this list, Haskell has a dedicated base of users. It is simple, functional and has a syntax that fans like. As well as its functionality, it can be very fast.
Lua is a multi-paradigm, albeit simple, language that supports functional and object-orientated approaches. Its code is quite fast and it has a lot of different uses, such as scripting for games.
We had to throw in a curveball somewhere and Malbolge is it. It’s considered one of the ‘esoteric’ languages, meaning it is very difficult to learn. There is also not a lot of material on it. But if you love experimenting, it might be right up your alley. Then you can move on to other bonkers languages like Omgrofl and Chef.
IO is fairly new, which may explain why it is not as well-known as the others. It is simple and minimal, so it’s a good one to get into if you like checking out the newest thing.
Racket is a multi-paradigm language that can be used for language creation, design and implementation. If you’re a bit unsure about your abilities to learn it, Racket has very easy-to-follow documentation for learners.
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