The fund administration firm will bring job opportunities to Enniscorthy for financial service professionals.
Global fund administrator Opus Fund Services is opening its second Irish office in Enniscorthy, Co Wexford. Supported by IDA Ireland, the new site promises to create 100 jobs over the next five years.
Earlier this year Opus launched its European headquarters in Dublin. Preceded by regional expansion across Bermuda, the US, Canada and the Philippines, the company’s new Enniscorthy offices will be housed in the town’s former court building, bringing opportunities for experienced financial service professionals and qualified accountants to the region.
Opus regional CEO Christian Pollard said: “With the significant growth of our client base over the last three years and the continuing strength of our new business pipeline, we are always on the lookout for opportunities to add experienced talent to our footprint.
“Co Wexford offers a strong pool of well-educated fund administration professionals and we are looking to speak with individuals that will thrive in a fast-paced business who are keen to join our mission to build the fund administrator of the future.”
Minister of State at the Department of Finance and Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael D’Arcy, TD, commented: “We have a developing cluster of financial services companies here in Wexford, and I am delighted that Opus Fund Services has selected Enniscorthy for the establishment of their second office in Ireland as they continue to expand their operations.
“Wexford has so much to offer, with easy access and proximity to the major urban centres of Dublin, Cork and Limerick, together with our connectivity and pro-business climate. The creation of 100 jobs in Enniscorthy is a huge boost for the town, to Co Wexford and indeed to the south-east region. The Irish funds sector has gone from strength to strength in recent years, and I wish Opus Fund Services continued success with their operations here in Ireland.”
IDA Ireland’s divisional manager in international financial services, Kieran Donoghue, said that Opus will join “a growing number of international financial services firms” operating in the region.
“Their presence will provide significant local employment opportunities and enhance the attractiveness of the region for further investment by the funds sector and broader financial services industry,” he added.