While DevOps is increasing in popularity across the IT sector, there are several barriers standing in the way of its successful implementation.
DevOps is becoming more in demand as the skills shortage in software development and programming continues.
But within the sector, there are other barriers that stand in the way.
Quali, a leading provider of cloud sandboxes for automating the DevOps life cycle, has released new survey findings that highlight the challenges faced by IT professionals as they pursue adoption of practices.
The survey was taken by IT industry executives at tech events throughout 2016 including Cisco Live, VMworld and DevOps Summit. More than 2,000 people from engineering, senior roles and management took part in the survey.
More than half of respondents said they had no access to self-service infrastructure and instead took a ticket-based approach to infrastructure delivery. This, in turn, impacted delivery time and productivity.
Less than a quarter of respondents said infrastructure could be delivered in less than one day, with a third of respondents saying it took up to a month.
There were several roadblocks standing in the way of DevOps success according to the survey results, including company culture, challenges of testing automation, legacy systems and budget constraints.
The survey also showed that industry professionals were still burdened by complex applications that make the transition to cloud and DevOps challenging. More than 44pc of applications in traditional environments were considered complex for cloud.
“While the term DevOps is often associated with leading-edge projects, mastering DevOps isn’t only about innovating on the ‘cool’ technologies faster,” said Diego Lo Giudice, principal analyst at Forrester Research, in a report.
“It’s also about building the capabilities to perform modern application development across the board.”
Despite increasing popularity, Torsten Volk, managing research director of hybrid cloud and infrastructure management at Enterprise Management Associates, said research shows a lack of central governance and automation when it comes to creating new application environments. “This leads to pockets of developers using their favourite – often not well integrated – DevOps tools,” he said.
The infographic from Quali shown below highlights the top 10 barriers that prevent successful infrastructure delivery within the sector. Click on the image for a larger view.

Infographic: Quali