Consumer site to include broadband and phone costs

7 Sep 2006

The Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) has expanded its website to include broadband and fixed-line call costs.

The regulator originally launched the site late last year to allow consumers compare and contrast various call packages from mobile operators in order to introduce transparency into the marketplace.

The aim of the site is to enable consumers to rank various offerings from telcos by price and affordability.

The latest additions to the site allow consumers to compare and contrast the price of home phone and broadband packages and select services that best match their means.

The new section of the site now includes information from 13 operators on over 80 different home phone and internet packages.

The site works by asking consumers questions about their typical usage of calls and broadband services. It then matches them up with various services according to cost.

“ComReg’s consumer surveys have consistently shown that the majority of consumers are looking for clear and transparent information that is both readily understandable and which will enable them to make informed choices,” commented ComReg commissioner Mike Byrne.

By John Kennedy