New .IE registrations skyrocket by 50pc

26 Jan 2005

There was a 50pc increase in new .ie registrations in 2004 compared with 2003, according to new figures from the IE Domain Registry (IEDR).

The total number of .IE domains (new and renewed) registered at the end of 2004 stood at 43,253. This compares with 35,426 registered at the end of 2003.

The IEDR, which manages the .IE domain, also announced that since 1 January, the cost of owning a .ie domain name has been reduced. The price of domains will fall from €112 plus Vat to €99 plus Vat – an 11.5pc cut. This follows a 10pc price drop announced in January 2004.

In a statement, the firm said that the cost reductions arose from a programme of cost reduction, process improvement and service enhancement carried out in 2003 and 2004. As a result, there is now less paperwork involved in registering a new .ie domain.

Announcing the price reductions, David Curtin, chief executive of IEDR, said: “We have made significant improvements in the past year in our operations and we are pleased to be able to pass on the benefits of these efficiencies to our customers. The number of new domains is well up, showing continued confidence in the quality of the .ie domain. We intend to continue with further automation of our processes and to provide strong support to the industry in order to maximise new .ie registrations and renewals.”

The IEDR is based in Sandycove, Co Dublin and has nine employees.

By Brian Skelly