Science hack day, via UCD Research and Innovation
University College Dublin (UCD) is set to host Science Hack Day Dublin 2014 next weekend, with 150 tech minds set to collaborate and solve an array of scientific problems.
The event will bring some of Dublin’s most creative engineers, designers, developers and artists into one room for a 36-hour period to solve a series of problems, which have either been submitted in advance, or which are pitched at the start of the event.
Ideas already suggested include robotic calligraphy, trousers which double as a drum kit, and the answer to making perfect toast.
This year Dublin joins San Francisco, Shanghai, Berlin, Mexico City and New York in holding a Science Hack Day.
“Dublin’s Science Hack Day is a chance for people to get excited about making things again,” says Dr David McKeown, co-ordinator of the event.
“A ‘hack’ is simply a quick solution to a problem, it may not be the most elegant solution, but is often the cleverest. No experience in science or hacking is necessary, we simply want people to come to UCD for the event and to roll up their sleeves, create new things together and have fun.”