US Army website was defaced, but no data was stolen
The US Army’s public-facing website was temporarily taken offline after it was compromised by an attack, for which the Syrian Electronic Army, which supports President Bashar al-Assad, has claimed credit.
This attack comes on the heels of a major attack revealed last week that saw data relating to more than 4m existing and former US government workers stolen in a major breach believed to be by Chinese hackers. China has denied any involvement in the attack.
The latest attack on the army.mil website is another embarrassing situation for the US government.
The hackers defaced the website with messages like: “Your commanders admit they are training the people they have sent you to die fighting.”
The website was temporarily taken down before going live again.
“After this came to our attention, the army took appropriate preventative measures to ensure there was no breach of army data by taking down the website temporarily,” said Army Brigadier General Malcolm Frost, chief of army public affairs.
US Army image via Shutterstock