SpunOut.ie is teaming up with NUIG Huston School of Film & Digital Media to offer free training opportunity for 12 people who aspire to make a social difference.
SpunOut.ie, with the support of the NUIG Huston School of Film & Digital Media, will host the Academy of Activism, a weekend-long free activism and social change workshop to 12 participants aged between 18 and 25 who wish to learn more about becoming social innovators. The weekend course will take place in Galway City from 6 to 8 August 2010.
Set up by Ruairí Mc Kiernan in 2004, SpunOut.ie is an independent national charity that strives to empower people to create personal and social change. Over the years, the site has won many awards such as an Eircom Golden Spider Award in 2007 and a Net Visionary Award in 2009.
With a panel of guests with first-hand experience of leading media, campaigning and social change entities, including Amnesty International, the Huston School of Film & Digital Media and The Irish Times, the Academy of Activism will give the 12 participants the chance to question and learn from these experts in interactive discussion sessions.
Next-gen social innovators
The course will aim to equip people with the skills and confidence to set about working for positive social change in their communities. Participants will also engage directly with politicians from across the political spectrum during one of the sessions.
Speaking on the motivation behind this initiative SpunOut.ie’s CEO and founder Ruairí Mc Kiernan says: With a youth unemployment rate of around 30pc and up to 1,000 people emigrating each week, many young people feel lost, frustrated and angry. SpunOut.ie has over five years’ experience in working with young people throughout the country and is currently reaching over 1,000 people online each day. We believe that there is an urgent necessity to channel the positive skills, talents, creativity and energy of our young people so they can be allowed play their part in transforming Irish society for the better.
“Our Academy of Activism has been designed based on consultation with young people and campaign experts in Ireland and abroad. It aims to create civic space for young people to engage with the issues that affect them whilst becoming more informed, resourced, confident and inspired to take action for social justice on the issues that they are passionate about,” adds Mc Kiernan.
The weekend’s seminars will cover topics encompassing media, social networking, campaigns planning, lobbying and motivation.
Applications are now open and can be completed online.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is 19 July 2010.