For anyone heading to the Ploughing Championships in New Ross, Co Wexford, next week, Waterford app development company Bizapps.ie has come up with an app to help people navigate the Enterprise Village, where more than 60 companies from the south-east will be exhibiting their wares.
The National Ploughing Championships will be held in Heathpark in New Ross, Co Wexford, from 25-27 September.
As part of the farming, food and cultural event, companies from Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford and Wexford will have stands in a special exhibition area, known as the South East Enterprise Village that has been organised by the city and county enterprise boards in the region.
According to Pat Jones from Bizapps.ie, the app will give details on every business that is exhibiting, as well as maps and information about all of the enterprise boards from the south-east.
“The app offers a comprehensive listing and location map of all the businesses showcasing at the event. Visitors to the village will be able to plan their visit and call to the stands that are of particular interest to them,” he said.
The Enterprise Village app is available for both iPhone and Android platforms and can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play.