Tech tweets of the week

25 Feb 2012

A compilation of this past week’s Twitter messages – from the serious to the whimsical – from some top names in technology.

“’Do you think this Facebook thing will catch on’ was actually asked that last weekend.”
–      Pat Phelan, director of products and innovation, MAXROAM

The Mammy ringing me up complaining about the Irish tradition of relatives calling to the door unannounced with their screaming kids.”
–      Damien Mulley, owner of Mulley Communications and organiser of the Web Awards and Social Media Awards

“They have Dr. Pepper on tap here in Boston. Another discovery about America. I feel like Christopher Columbus.”
–      James Whelton, tech entrepreneur and first person to hack the iPod Nano

Samsung Galaxy S Blaze 4G. Only nine syllables. Weak.”
–      Zach Epstein, executive editor at BGR Media, LLC

“I’m just going to start referring to every professional event I attend as a ‘freakfest.’ Really, how inaccurate could it be?”
–      Jolie O’Dell, tech reporter for VentureBeat

Browsing compost bins online for the SF apt. Feeling very Calforni-fied.”
–      Jen Bekman, founder and CEO of 20×200

Vegetarians … if you love animals so much, why do you keep eating all of their food? 😉 ”
–      Art Jonak, CEO, Network Professionals

So basically this list of ‘influencers’ is about who I can and can’t use my Jedi mind tricks on.”
–      Charles Arthur, The Guardian’s technology editor

The ability to write code is pretty much a super power in today’s society.”
–      Matt Cutts, Google engineer