Apple has reportedly acquired AlgoTrim, a Sweden-based specialist in algorithms for compressing images and video.
According to Swedish publication Rapidus, AlgoTrim has developed algorithms for lossless compression of processing instructions in operating systems and applications. Apart from speeding up processing, the compression reduces the use of flash memory, in, for example, RISC-processors.
According to the report, all of AlgoTrim’s shares were acquired by an anonymous Delaware-based holding company called Wedgwood Industries.
In addition, AlgoTrim’s head of software development Anders Holtsberg moved to Silicon Valley and is based less than a 15-minute car ride from Apple’s campus in Cupertino, California.
Holtsberg, Anders Berglund and Martin Lindberg set up the company in 2005.
The acquisition is the latest in a number by Apple, including the acquisition last week of navigation company Embark. Apple is also understood to be in talks to buy Israel-based PrimeSense, the company that worked with Microsoft to develop the sensor in the first-generation Kinect controller.
File compression image via Shutterstock