While O2 Ireland announced today that as official carrier for the iPhone in Ireland it would be selling the Edge, or 2.5G handset from 14 March, there was also talk of the 3G version being released on the Irish market before the year is out.
Apple CEO Steve Jobs has previously guaranteed that the 3G iPhone, which would be faster for web browsing and downloads, will be available in the US and analysts from global research firm UBS are saying it will in fact arrive mid-year.
Next Thursday, Apple will be launching the iPhone SDK or software development kit, which will allow third parties to develop new and interesting applications for use on the handset.
The invite to developers reads: “Learn about the iPhone software road map, including the iPhone SDK and some exciting new enterprise features.”
These enterprise features are rumoured to be anything from business software reports to enhanced security features but will very probably include support for enterprise email, according to a spokesperson at the O2 Ireland/iPhone launch.
Asking if there would be Blackberry-like push email abilities on the iPhone to enable a business user to access their enterprise email, the spokesperson said this is precisely the area Apple is looking at right now.
By Marie Boran