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ComReg’s latest survey has revealed a surge in the numbers working from home, with half saying they’d pay more for better broadband.
Ireland’s telecommunications industry has gone through unprecedented times, and now the State regulator has published findings on how it coped since Covid-19 restrictions came into place. In a ComReg survey, 29pc of 1,004 people in Ireland said that they were working at home to some extent at the beginning of restrictions. Now, that figure has doubled to 61pc.
In terms of broadband quality, 77pc of respondents said that their package meets the need of the household. However, while 81pc of those in urban areas said they are satisfied with their broadband, 68pc in rural areas said they were not.
When asked whether they would be happy to pay more for better home broadband, 50pc said they would. During the last ComReg survey in April, only 28pc said they would be willing to spend more to receive a better quality of connection.
Decrease in online gaming
Nearly two-thirds (64pc) of respondents said they felt that their broadband was performing about the same as before the start of the restrictions. Others said it was somewhat worse (21pc), somewhat better (7pc), much worse (6pc) and much better (3pc).
The number of people who have been using broadband during the pandemic has also changed since April, with a 15pc increase in people saying they were doing more online shopping for non-essential items. Despite reports showing a more general increase in demand for online gaming, the ComReg survey found a 2pc decrease in interest in gaming in June versus April.
Commenting on the survey’s findings, ComReg commissioner Robert Mourik said: “Due to the effects of Covid-19 restrictions over recent months, Ireland has been forced to rely more heavily on its electronic communications networks.
“ComReg’s survey reveals that most people seem satisfied with their telecommunications services and that Ireland’s telecommunications networks are coping with the additional demands on their respective communications systems. It is crucial that our communications networks support the needs of families, businesses and vital services.”