Twitter, the social media community hurtling towards 200 million users, has revealed it is launching push notifications for mentions, as well as bringing push notifications for messages to the iPhone.
“When you’re out and about, your phone probably isn’t always in front of you,” said Leland Rechis, product manager for all things mobile at Twitter. “It might be in your pocket or purse or on a table – perhaps with the screen off. We want to make sure you see important Tweets even when you’re not looking at Twitter at the moment. To help with that, today we’re launching push notifications for @mentions.
He explained that whenever an account that you follow mentions you, you’ll immediately receive a notification.
“You’ll know who is talking to or about you on Twitter, and you’ll be able to continue the conversation in real-time. Notifications for @mentions will initially be available on SMS and on the latest version of Twitter for iPhone, which you can download today from the App Store.
“In addition to @mentions, we’re also bringing push notifications for Messages to Twitter for iPhone, as we’ve already done with SMS and Twitter for BlackBerry. We’re working hard to introduce this feature to Twitter for Android and Twitter for Windows Phone soon,” Rechis said.
To turn on SMS notifications, go to twitter.com/devices and check the boxes under “Text message notifications”.