Google releases stats on Irish YouTube users for first time

12 Mar 2014

Image via Annette Shaff/Shutterstock

Ruth McEntee, YouTube industry manager at Google Ireland, revealed the results of the first comprehensive survey of YouTube users in Ireland at DMX Dublin 2014, painting the picture of an active and engaged userbase.

As Google-owned YouTube has become like a next-generation MTV, it stands to reason that music videos are the most popular viewing material in Ireland, accounting for 67pc, followed by comedy at 52pc and how-to or DIY videos at 42pc. 

Unsurprisingly, 91pc of YouTube users surveyed watch videos on the site for entertainment purposes while two-thirds (66pc) use it for education and keeping up to date. More than half (53pc) use YouTube as a social network and to share things with friends.

Social creatures

While YouTube is certainly popular amongst younger generations, 44pc of its users are aged 35 or over. Its userbase is split evenly between males and females, while 40pc visit the site daily and 77pc visit weekly.

Irish YouTube users are social creatures, online and off. They are twice as likely to go to the cinema, nearly three times more likely to attend live events and 1.3 times more likely to dine out in restaurants than non-users.

They also share their experiences, with 63pc talking about what they watched on YouTube with their peers and 46pc posting comments or reviews on blogs, forums or message boards.

Digitally active consumers

“Irish YouTube users are more digitally active consumers than non-users of the site. They are nearly three times more likely to buy or download digital music, movies or books; three times more likely to buy electronics, gadgets or other devices; and are nearly twice more likely to buy apps for their smartphone or tablet,” said McEntee, speaking today at the digital marketing conference hosted by the Marketing Institute of Ireland at the Aviva Stadium in Dublin.

Advertisers will also like to know that 52pc of Irish YouTube users take action after they have seen an ad, such as looking for more information, visiting the company’s website or making a purchase.

Ipsos Media, on behalf of Google, conducted the survey of more than 1,000 internet users across Ireland.

YouTube image by Annette Shaff via Shutterstock

Elaine Burke is the host of For Tech’s Sake, a co-production from Silicon Republic and The HeadStuff Podcast Network. She was previously the editor of Silicon Republic.