Lowcarbonentrepreneurs.com aims to help entrepreneurs explore the commercial opportunities for low-carbon businesses in the new green economy.
The all-island website Lowcarbonentrepreneurs.com, which will go live on 13 August, has been set up by five members of the Challenge Europe programme, the British Council’s climate change project and it aims to make information more accessible on the potential growth areas for low-carbon businesses.
The founders of Low Carbon Entrepreneurs (LCE) are Andrea Carroll, founder of Arc Sustainability; Joe Borza, a chartered engineer who works in the areas of energy, environment, risk and sustainability; Laura Duggan, environmental executive for a Belfast-based SME; Mark Bennett, green business officer, Dublin City Council; and Tracy Godfrey, Green Agenda programme manager, Vodafone Ireland.
Carroll says the website will make information more accessible to people about the opportunities in the green economy.
“We wanted to create a website that was specifically for people who were looking to develop businesses focused on green issues and low-carbon technologies. “This is an information portal that helps entrepreneurs explore the commercial possibilities of low-carbon technologies. It provides an overview of the sector and provides links to more detailed information on funding and networking opportunities. Our goal is for the website to be a ‘one-stop-shop’ of information for would-be and existing entrepreneurs.
“Also if someone has a business and they want to create another sideline to it that has a green element, the website is appropriate for them aswell,” she adds.
Lowcarbonentrepreneurs.com will launch at 6pm on 13 August at The Greenhouse, Dublin, with speakers from the British Council, as well as presentations from a Scandinavian and Irish entrepreneur.
Challenge Europe itself is a three-year programme initiated by the British Council to encourage enterprising people from across Europe to create a project that makes a real difference to climate change.
Challenge Europe is supported by Cultivate, Comhar Sustainable Development Council Ireland, Sustainable Development Commission Northern Ireland and Business in the Community Northern Ireland.