“Striking a successful balance between fatherhood and work can be one of the most difficult juggling acts a man faces in his life. Many men feel very conflicted between career aspirations and family responsibilities.”
Wait, what?
Lines like that aren’t something you read terribly often in relation to men, which is exactly what the Man Who Has It All Twitter and Tumblr accounts (from which those lines are taken) are aiming to highlight.
To highlight how ridiculous some of the statements aimed at working mums are, the parody Twitter account turns the advice on its head and aims it at working dads instead.
MANIC WORKING DAD? Take control of your career by watching what you eat, staying hydrated & trying not to cry.
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) October 20, 2015
The Twitter account, which offers ‘Top tips for men juggling a successful career and fatherhood’, has been active since May but has been getting a lot of attention lately and so far has close to 58,000 followers. Some of the sage advice it offers to ‘hard-working dads’ includes:
Working dad? Empower yourself by starting a gratitude journal. Log every occasion your wife helps you with the housework or kids. — manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) October 20, 2015
TIME TO GET UP DADS! Before your wife & kids. Now is a good time to mop the floor, clean the sink & worry about pumpkins. ‘Me time’.
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) October 20, 2015
Wife online? Kids asleep? Time to relax with a glossy magazine to find out how fat, old, tired & ugly you are. ‘Me time’. — manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) October 19, 2015
Unhappy working dad? What does being sad REALLY do to your body? If you want to be gorgeous, don’t be sad.
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) October 19, 2015
I genuinely don’t have a problem with male politicians, as long as they are able to represent everyone, and not just men and men’s issues. — manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) October 19, 2015
Is it REALLY possible for men to juggle kids, housework, career, good looks, a naturally glowing nose and ‘me time’?
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) October 18, 2015
I have absolutely no problem with male managers, as long as they leave their hormones at home. — manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) October 17, 2015
The person behind the Man Who Has It All accounts wishes to remain anonymous but, speaking to The Huffington Post, said the principal message of the account was to highlight how ridiculous the “crap” directed at working mums by the media and advertising sounds when it is directed at men.
Man Who Has It All wasn’t the only Twitter account highlighting how the genders are treated differently this week, with the mother of popstar Ariana Grande tweeting the below photo to show that shops seem to believe women are only interested in celebrity magazines, while men apparently have a much broader range of interests.
What’s wrong with this picture?? pic.twitter.com/NJOi4sUyHs
— Joan Grande (@joangrande) October 18, 2015
Her popstar daughter responded, causing the tweet to go viral.
@joangrande oh! so women are only interested in tabloids& if I want to read about cars, business, science I have to go to the MEN’S section? — Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) October 18, 2015
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