The Government is to make an application to the European Commission in the next two weeks for emergency EU aid to retrain workers affected by the job losses at computer manufacturer Dell.
Minister of State and Clare TD Tony Killeen said that an application for the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) in support of the 2,000 Dell workers being made redundant at Raheen, County Limerick, would be made in late May or early June.
The EGF aims to support workers disadvantaged by exposure to the globalised economy, particularly those in regions or sectors. It has a maximum annual budget of €500m, which provides one-off, individual support for a limited period of time to some 35,000–50,000 EU workers.
The fund finances measures such as job-search assistance, tailor-made retraining, entrepreneurship promotion and aid for self-employment.
Minister Killeen said he had received confirmation from the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Mary Coughlan TD that her department was working with FÁS, Enterprise Ireland, IDA Ireland and other relevant agencies and bodies to progress the application for the Dell employees.
He said that a number of difficulties in completing the application in line with strict Commission requirements are close to resolution.
“I am delighted to learn that the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment should be in a position to make an application in the next two weeks, subject to necessary external inputs and proofing with the Commission. It should be noted that a greater level of co-financing (up to 65pc) is available as the application is being made after 1 May,” explained Minister Killeen.
The Minister also said that the Government, with the support of regional agencies and other relevant bodies, remained committed to providing assistance to manufacturing employees at Dell in their efforts to source new employment and upskill themselves where necessary.
Pictured: Dell’s operations in Limerick
Article courtesy of businessandleadership.com