Just in time for Christmas, two new e-commerce stores focusing on apparel and gadget accessories have opened for business today. Say hello to ClickCase.ie and CounterPropaganda.ie.
Research earlier this week suggested that 80pc of Black Friday shoppers will be doing their buying online this year and the same might hold true for discerning shoppers in Ireland.
While Amazon and Apple will have Black Friday discounts available for shoppers, it looks like the new kids on the e-commerce block intend to be around for the long-haul.
ClickCase.ie specialises in cases and accessories for the iPhone and the iPad, featuring all kinds of cool stands, covers and accessories, such as an “iCade for iPad” that turns your iPad into a 1980s-style retro arcade system and, my favourite, a 100pc waterproof armband for your iPhone, which means you can go running and swimming while listening to tunes.
ClickCase’s web design is quite arresting, borrowing heavily from the material background most iPad and iPhone users would be familiar with.
CounterPropaganda is an Irish apparel website with a mission. Its manifesto is as sublime in its delivery as it is in its design. The independent clothing company “dislikes the manipulative marketing of fast-food corporations but occasionally buys a Big Mac Meal.”
The store sells T-shirts, hoodies, jackets, polo T-shirts, shirts, jeans, cords and zip-tops. Counter Propaganda, which has stores around Dublin, sells its own brand products along with brands like Bench, MOD and Duck and Cover, and promises free shipping on all orders of more than €50.
They insist they are not hipsters.