Debenhams adds free Wi-Fi to 11 stores across Ireland

2 Jul 2013

Image via Ariwasabi/Shutterstock

Debenhams department store shoppers will now be able to avail of free Wi-Fi as they browse and buy in any of the brand’s 11 locations in Ireland.

Research by Debenhams revealed that 35pc of its customers regularly use their smartphones as they shop.

This form of ‘mobile shopping’ is used differently by men and women. Among female shoppers, 63pc take photos of items in-store to share with friends and get a second opinion before purchasing, while 47pc of male customers use their smartphones to research items and make purchases online.

This fusion of in-store and online shopping has prompted Debenhams to equip its customers with free internet access while they shop. The free Wi-Fi roll-out comes alongside the launch of a new mobile-optimised website, catering to the 28pc of traffic the retailer sees coming from mobile devices.

The move follows a successful trial run of free Wi-Fi in three Debenhams stores in Ireland. Customers need to register for the first use of Debenhams Wi-Fi and will then be automatically connected whenever they are in range.

Woman shopping with smartphone image via Ariwasabi/Shutterstock

Elaine Burke is the host of For Tech’s Sake, a co-production from Silicon Republic and The HeadStuff Podcast Network. She was previously the editor of Silicon Republic.