Consumer electronics giant Apple has received more than 1m tributes emailed to the company since the death of the company’s co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs on 5 October. Apple has now launched a ‘Remembering Steve’ page, where members of the public can read and post messages.
“Over a million people from all over the world have shared their memories, thoughts, and feelings about Steve,” the page reads.
“One thing they all have in common — from personal friends to colleagues to owners of Apple products — is how they’ve been touched by his passion and creativity. You can view some of these messages below. And share your own at”
Pending approval, messages will be posted on the page. They have been coming from people all around the world.
“Steve Jobs was an inspiration and the reason that we have a technical age of innovation and wonder at our fingertips,” one message reads.
“Dear Apple Team, Don’t forget Steve, He, from anywhere, will stay helping you, somehow. My english skill is very low, but everything gonna be alright, not exactly as it was, but, alright,” reads another.
Steve Jobs memorial service for Apple staff
Yesterday, a 90-minute memorial service for Jobs was held on Apple’s Cupertino, California, campus, for Apple employees only.
The service featured performances by Coldplay and Norah Jones, and a recording of Jobs himself reciting the lines to the 1997 ‘Think Different’ advertisement.
Jobs himself wrote the lines to the commercial, which begins with “Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers” and features photos of luminaries such as Albert Einstein, Bob Dylan and Rev Martin Luther King. Actor Richard Dreyfuss did the voice-over for the commercial, as Jobs didn’t want his own voice to be used, CEO Tim Cook said, as he didn’t want the focus to be on him.
Speakers at the ceremony included Apple board member and chairman of Intuit Bill Campbell, former US vice-president and board member Al Gore, and Jony Ive, Apple’s senior vice-president of industrial design, the San Jose Mercury News reported.
After the ceremony, as employees began to leave, Coldplay frontman Chris Martin told everyone to get back to work because that’s what Jobs would have wanted, according the newspaper.
Some Apple stores in the US were closed during the memorial service, so staff could watch the ceremony via webcast.
Jobs died of respiratory arrest caused by a pancreatic tumour. He was 56.
Apple CEO Tim Cook speaks to employees at a celebration of Steve Jobs’ life at Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California