As the western world begins to finally take notice of the Ebola crisis following the confirmation of cases outside of western Africa, a new map shows the spread of panic among Twitter users.
At the time of writing, Ebola is one of the trending topics on Twitter in Ireland as people here and in countries across the world panic over how prepared their countries are to handle the virus that has spread across the west African nations of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.
So far the number of dead within these countries is as high as multiple thousands and yet, the news that cases were confirmed in the US, Spain and Macedonia have led to a public outcry on social media.
One site that is documenting this concern among the public is CartoDB who create interactive data maps and in this case have measured the use of #Ebola on Twitter between 7 September and 7 October.
Another website worth noting for those interested in charting the virus’ progress is healthmap.org which has an interactive map showing where exactly confirmed cases are and where suspected one are under investigation.
The healthmap.org allows you to chart the virus’ progression from the first few cases all the way up to today.
Ebola warning sign image via Shutterstock