Apple CEO Steve Jobs revealed today the company’s newest mobile operating system iOS 4.2 will be coming out in November with free updates available for the iPad, the iPhone and iPod Touch.
Without revealing the new features, Jobs confirmed the operating system update will allow users to create folders to organise their apps, just like on the iPhone.
The other key benefit here for iPad owners is it allows them to multitask.
To demonstrate, Jobs launched Pandora on the iPad to play a song while at the same time he replied to an email and launched an internet browser.
Jobs also revealed that Airplay will be coming in November and that will allow users to stream content from any iOS device to the new Apple TV product he launched today.
The new Apple TV is a shiny, palm-sized device that allows users to download entire HD movies and watch them on their widescreen TV, stream content from YouTube and Flickr, as well as rent movies from Netflix.