Still from 'BELIEF' by HUVrTech on YouTube
We take a look at some of the most-viewed and most-shared videos on the web. This week features hoverboard heartbreak, a Hollywood adaptation of a viral sensation, a special thank you for Brian O’Driscoll, and more.
About 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, 500 years of video watched on Facebook every day, and more than 700 YouTube videos shared on Twitter each minute, ensuring there is always video trending on the web.
With so much video available for viewing, we take a look at some of the viral videos that have caught our eye this week.
Hoverboard hoax
Back in February, Back to the Future II fans all over the internet were thrilled by news that Nike plans to have the self-lacing trainers worn by Marty McFly on shelves by 2015 – the year the character visits in the 1989 film. So, this month, when hoverboards were demonstrated by Christopher Lloyd (AKA Doc Brown), professional skateboarder Tony Hawk and some famous friends, they might have just wet their pants. Tragically, the latter was all a sham cooked up by humour website Funny or Die, but we can watch this video, and we can dream.
Uploaded: 3 March 2014
Inspired by last weekend’s Oscars ceremony, US chat show host Jimmy Kimmel enlisted a bevy of Hollywood stars to recreate famous YouTube videos with Academy Award-worthy aplomb. Our pick of the bunch is ‘Ameowadeus’, starring Kevin Spacey as Keyboard Cat, Christoph Waltz as Hamster on a Piano and Kimmel himself as Dramatic Chipmunk, alongside silver screen veterans Gary Oldman, Mandy Patinkin and Ben Kingsley – parody of the highest calibre, indeed.
Uploaded: 2 March 2014
Reese Witherspoon teleports
Speaking of A-list talent, Reese Witherspoon displayed exceptional skill at teleportation during the recent Independent Spirit Awards. Either that or someone in the editing room needs a talking to.
Uploaded: 2 March 2014
Pelican learns to fly
GoPro has been consistently knocking it out of the park with viral videos demonstrating the wealth of footage that can be captured on its small but mighty cameras, each with its own unique story. This week’s offering is no exception, as we literally get a bird’s eye view of a pelican raised by humans embarking on its first flight.
Uploaded: 27 February 2014
For the love of BOD
Following Brian O’Driscoll’s triumphant final game as part of Ireland’s rugby squad on Saturday, thousands have tuned in to watch this video of young patients from Temple Street Children’s Hospital sharing their thoughts on the man, the myth and the legend we lovingly call BOD.
Uploaded: 7 March 2014
Shocking second-a-day video
Finally, in this powerful short video from charity Save the Chidren UK, a year in the life of a little girl is documented with one-second clips. What starts out as a familiar childhood is quickly turned upside-down by conflict, reminding us all to think of the children now living in war-torn Syria.
Uploaded: 5 March 2014
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