Social recruiting has taken the US by storm and most recruiters in that part of the world now believe this is a revolution that has come to stay as part of the industry.
The same can be said for the UK and some parts of Europe. Coming closer to home to Ireland, we can see that recruiters and candidates are beginning to understand the value of social recruiting in today’s market. This is why sites like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook will continue to grow in this market. In the recruitment industry, we are sure of the following things:
1. People will always look for new jobs.
2. Companies will always hire staff.
3. The job market will continue to evolve. LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook are global sites used for social recruiting by recruiters in different countries and it works. But a new trend is slowly emerging in some countries where localised sites are driving social recruiting in those countries. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying they are not using LinkedIn or other social media portals, but the local sites are being embraced by the local communities and, to an extent, regions. For example, one of the most popular social media sites in Poland is This trend is growing across Europe and Ireland is no different. Social recruiting sites will continue to grow in the recruitment industry because people are now using social recruiting or networking sites to find jobs; recruiters can engage in conversations with candidates and clients more easily; and companies want to know what the job market is saying about their brand.
4. We all want to share content with our candidates and clients.
5. More companies want to respond to questions quickly for a strong effect.
6. It saves cost and we can measure the increase in our ROI.
7. Recruiters can now follow the growth and development of candidates they would not have been able to keep tabs on in the past. In Ireland, the recruitment sector has changed and social recruiting is a huge part of this change. Various community sites are making it easier for job seekers to know what is happening in the market and become savvier about looking for jobs. My view is that in the next year we will have a localised social recruiting site that will become the hub for recruiters to find CVs, for companies to brand themselves, engage with their target audience and the general working public to network with the industry, find out about real jobs, engage with the industry and build localised communities. While doing some research, I found a site I think has got the right idea and potential to give us a closer and more specific social recruiting portal for the general public, Irish companies and agencies in Ireland. I believe that sites like jobsmarket will continue to spring up across Europe because sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter will always do things from a global perspective. It will also be difficult for the bigger social media sites to truly cover the global market from a local point of view. I would like to think that there is a niche in this space for the right local companies.
John is the co-founder of Achievemorebusiness and has more than 10 years of experience in social media and marketing strategy, talent acquisition and management, and new market acquisition. His specialties are talent development and strategic planning. He is also a seasoned strategic talent management leader with strong global business experience.
Friday, 17 September 2010, 4:01pm
By John Kamara
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