By configuring and deploying a new print environment for St Patrick’s Hospital, the volume of print-related help desk calls has been cut by more than 90pc.
No fewer than 60 printers have been replaced by eight multi-function devices providing staff with high quality, crisp and reliable colour or black & white printing, copying, scanning and faxing. Having acquired the devices under the MJ Flood FLEXIPLAN, there was no capital expenditure or engagement with financial institutions required. The cost is based on a set price per copy in line with agreed print volumes.
With 500 staff members and 300 PC users, St. Patrick’s Hospital is a demanding print environment. Large volumes of documentation are printed, scanned, faxed and copied every day and include medical assessments, laboratory tests, referral letters, labels and more complex booklets which invite patient feedback.
“The move to a smaller number of high quality printers has been hugely successful,” comments Paul Moran, IT Manager with St. Patrick’s Hospital. “It ticks all the boxes in terms of reducing administration overheads for IT staff as well as providing full transparency of costs to management. Staff can now access more reliable, higher quality devices with the ability to scan or archive up to 70 originals per minute using any of the 4 Ineo +451 devices which are strategically located around the hospital. The ability to fax directly from the PC is also hugely convenient for medical secretaries as they don’t have to leave their desks.”
Protecting patient confidentiality
Protecting patient confidentiality is a critical issue in any medical environment. The Ineo +451 comes with SecurePrint. Each staff member has been allocated a unique PIN code which must be entered each time they need to retrieve their documents from the printer. This avoids a scenario where confidential patient records could be left unattended for even the shortest period of time and also allows staff to send a number of print jobs to the printer without having to make several trips for collection. The Ineo + device also erases any trace of the document once retrieved by the user.
Reduced costs and increased transparency
FLEXIPLAN provides significant cost advantages over traditional capital purchases. With no capital expenditure or engagement with financial institutions required, clients simply pay a fee per copy on a set print volume. Included in this fee are parts, labour, consumables, servicing and maintenance. A regular review of print volumes is also conducted so the print environment is constantly optimised for the hospital to keep costs at a minimum, representing a flexible solution for the customer’s needs. As a not-for-profit organisation, the ability to provide management with full transparency of costs is hugely beneficial.
“Staff no longer have to worry about processing orders for toner or other parts and this helps to reduce administration costs across a number of departments,” adds Paul Moran. “In addition, technical problems are logged directly with MJ Flood, with an agreed two-hour response time, which helps us retain precious support time for dealing with more important clinical applications.”
Continuous support
St. Patrick’s staff also have regular access to the MJ Flood support team as Michael Power Jnr., Director of MJ Flood explains: “Our staff make twice-weekly visits to the hospital on set days. During this time, we can assist with training for new staff or simply help with troubleshooting issues. This support model is unique in the industry and clearly differentiates us from other providers. It’s also hugely beneficial for the IT department as day-to-day issues can be handled by us while they concentrate on more strategic projects for the hospital’s IT infrastructure.”
FLEXIPLAN really delivers for us,” says Paul Moran. “It’s one of the key reasons why we selected MJ Flood as our partner of choice for print management. While we started in a modest fashion with a simple print audit and just one machine, the relationship has grown over time to the point that MJ Flood have deployed Develop devices, which serve every department and area in the hospital.”
Company: St Patrick’s Hospital
Industry: Healthcare
Customer profile: Founded in 1745 by Jonathan Swift, St Patrick’s Hospital is Ireland’s largest independent mental health service provider. A Not-for-Profit organisation, it is dedicated to providing the highest quality of mental health care, promoting mental health and advocating for the rights of those who suffer from mental illness. The hospital consists of 300 in-patient beds, catering for over 3000 admissions per year and is served by a staff of over 500.
Business challenge: With more than 60 printers spread throughout the hospital campus, IT staff wanted to optimise the entire print environment and reduce the administration overhead required to support print-related help desk calls.
- Installation of 4 x Develop Ineo +451 colour multi-function photocopiers (MFP), positioned at strategic locations around the hospital. These devices also provide high quality copying, scanning and faxing.
- Installation of 4 x Develop +253 colour MFP devices for various wards.
- Number of print-related help desk calls has been reduced by more than 90pc.
- No capital expenditure required – just a set price per copy for agreed volumes.
- FREE toner, parts and servicing within the agreement.
- Supports patient confidentiality with unique PIN code for print on demand.
- Productivity boosting features with high quality scanning and faxing directly from the PC.
- Ongoing on-site support and training with twice-weekly visits from MJ Flood staff.
For more information on how MJ Flood can help with print management, please contact us on tel: (01) 466 3500 or email us on info@mjflood.ie
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